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2024 March Calendar Tamil

2024 March Calendar Tamil

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As we approach March 2024, it is important to know the dates and events that will be taking place in the Tamil community. This article will discuss the 2024 March Calendar Tamil and highlight some of the festivals and events that will be celebrated during this period.

Personal Experience

As a Tamilian, I have always looked forward to the month of March because of the various festivals and events that take place during this period. It is a time when people come together to celebrate their culture and traditions. From colorful processions to delicious food, March is a month that is filled with joy and excitement.

What is the 2024 March Calendar Tamil?

The 2024 March Calendar Tamil is a calendar that lists all the important dates and events that will be taking place during the month of March in the Tamil community. This calendar is used by Tamilians all over the world to stay updated on the festivals and events that are taking place in their community.

List of Events and Festivals in 2024 March Calendar Tamil

Here is a list of some of the festivals and events that will be taking place in the Tamil community during the month of March 2024:

  • 1st March – Masi Magam
  • 4th March – Shivaratri
  • 14th March – Panguni Uthiram
  • 21st March – Holi
  • 23rd March – Tamil New Year

Events and Festivals Celebration for 2024 March Calendar Tamil

Masi Magam is a festival that is celebrated in the Tamil month of Masi. It is a time when people take a holy dip in the sea or river to cleanse themselves of their sins. Shivaratri is a festival that is dedicated to Lord Shiva. Devotees fast and offer prayers to Lord Shiva during this festival.

Panguni Uthiram is a festival that is celebrated in the Tamil month of Panguni. It is a time when people come together to celebrate the marriage of Lord Shiva and Parvati. Holi is a festival of colors that is celebrated all over India. People throw colored powder and water on each other to celebrate this festival.

Tamil New Year, also known as Puthandu, is a time when people start afresh. They clean their homes, wear new clothes, and prepare delicious food. It is a time of new beginnings and hope.

Question and Answer

What is the significance of Masi Magam?

Masi Magam is a festival that is celebrated to cleanse oneself of their sins. It is believed that taking a holy dip in the sea or river during this festival can wash away one’s sins.

What is the story behind Panguni Uthiram?

Panguni Uthiram is celebrated to commemorate the marriage of Lord Shiva and Parvati. It is believed that on this day, Lord Shiva married Parvati in Kanchipuram.


When is Tamil New Year celebrated?

Tamil New Year, also known as Puthandu, is celebrated on 23rd March every year.

What is the significance of Holi?

Holi is a festival of colors that is celebrated to mark the triumph of good over evil. It is also a time of forgiveness and new beginnings.

In conclusion, the 2024 March Calendar Tamil is a time of celebration and joy for the Tamil community. From Masi Magam to Tamil New Year, there are various festivals and events that bring people together and celebrate their culture and traditions. Let us all come together and celebrate this joyous month with our loved ones.