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December 27 2024 Tamil Calendar

December 27 2024 Tamil Calendar

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As we approach the end of 2023, our minds start to wander towards what the next year has in store for us. In particular, what are the important dates and events that we should be aware of? One such date is December 27, 2024, which holds a special significance in the Tamil calendar. In this article, we will dive deeper into what this date signifies and what festivities and events are associated with it.

What is the Tamil Calendar?

The Tamil calendar is a traditional calendar used in the Tamil Nadu region of India. It is based on the solar cycle and is believed to have been created around 300 BCE. The calendar is divided into twelve months, each with its unique name and significance. The Tamil calendar is widely used in Tamil Nadu and is also recognized by the Indian government as an official calendar.

December 27, 2024, in the Tamil Calendar

December 27, 2024, falls in the month of Margazhi, which is the ninth month of the Tamil calendar. This month is considered very auspicious, and many important festivals and events take place during this time. In particular, December 27, 2024, is a significant date as it marks the beginning of the Arudra Darshan festival.

Arudra Darshan Festival

The Arudra Darshan festival is a ten-day festival celebrated in honor of Lord Shiva. It is believed that on the day of Arudra Darshan, Lord Shiva performs the cosmic dance, also known as the Tandavam. The festival is celebrated with great fervor in many parts of Tamil Nadu, with devotees visiting Shiva temples and offering prayers and special rituals.

The festival culminates on the tenth day, which is known as Thiruvathirai. On this day, devotees wake up early in the morning and take a bath before visiting the temple. They offer special prayers and perform a ritualistic dance known as the Thiruvathirai Kali. The day is also marked by the preparation of special dishes and the exchange of greetings and gifts among family and friends.

Other Festivals and Events in December 27, 2024, Tamil Calendar

Aside from the Arudra Darshan festival, there are several other important festivals and events that take place during the month of Margazhi. Some of these include:

  • Vaikunta Ekadasi
  • Christmas
  • New Year’s Eve

Each of these festivals has its unique significance and is celebrated with great enthusiasm by people of all ages.

Question and Answer Section

Q. What is the significance of December 27, 2024, in the Tamil calendar?

A. December 27, 2024, marks the beginning of the Arudra Darshan festival, which is celebrated in honor of Lord Shiva.

Q. What is the Arudra Darshan festival?

A. The Arudra Darshan festival is a ten-day festival celebrated in honor of Lord Shiva. It is believed that on the day of Arudra Darshan, Lord Shiva performs the cosmic dance, also known as the Tandavam.

Q. What other festivals and events take place during the month of Margazhi?

A. Some of the other important festivals and events that take place during the month of Margazhi include Vaikunta Ekadasi, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve.


December 27, 2024, is a significant date in the Tamil calendar, marking the beginning of the Arudra Darshan festival. This ten-day festival is celebrated with great enthusiasm in many parts of Tamil Nadu, with devotees offering prayers and performing special rituals. Aside from the Arudra Darshan festival, there are several other important festivals and events that take place during the month of Margazhi, making it a time of great joy and celebration for people of all ages.