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Full Moon Calendar April 2024

Full Moon Calendar April 2024

Printable April 2024 Calendar Big Dates
Printable April 2024 Calendar Big Dates from


April is a month that is eagerly awaited by many people around the world. It’s a month of rebirth, growth, and new beginnings. The month of April is also significant due to the full moon that occurs during this time. The Full Moon Calendar April 2024 is something that many people are eagerly anticipating, and for good reason.

What is a Full Moon?

A full moon is a lunar phase that occurs when the moon is on the opposite side of the Earth as the sun, and the moon’s face is fully illuminated. The full moon is a beautiful sight to behold and has been revered by people for centuries. In many cultures, the full moon is seen as a time of celebration, ritual, and spiritual growth.

The Full Moon Calendar April 2024

The Full Moon Calendar April 2024 is something that many people are looking forward to. This calendar lists the dates and times of the full moons that will occur in April 2024. The full moon is an exciting time for many people, and having a calendar that lists the dates and times of these events is incredibly useful.

Personal Experience

For me, the full moon is a time of reflection and growth. I find that the energy of the full moon is incredibly powerful and can be harnessed for personal growth and healing. I always make sure to mark the full moon on my calendar and take the time to reflect on my life and set intentions for the coming month.

Events and Festivals

There are many events and festivals that take place during the Full Moon Calendar April 2024. One of the most significant events is the Full Moon Party in Thailand. This party takes place on the beach and is a celebration of the full moon. People from all over the world come to celebrate and enjoy music, dancing, and good food.

In India, the full moon is celebrated with the Holi Festival. This festival is a celebration of spring and is known for its colorful powders and music. The full moon is seen as a time of renewal and growth, and the Holi Festival is a perfect way to celebrate these themes.


When is the Full Moon in April 2024?

The Full Moon in April 2024 will occur on the 17th of April at 10:14 pm EDT.

What is the significance of the Full Moon?

The full moon is a time of reflection, growth, and spiritual connection. It is seen as a time of renewal and new beginnings, and many people use the energy of the full moon to set intentions and manifest their desires.

What are some traditions associated with the Full Moon?

There are many traditions associated with the full moon, including meditation, ritual, and celebration. Many people use the energy of the full moon to set intentions, cleanse their energy, and connect with their spiritual selves.

What are some tips for celebrating the Full Moon?

Some tips for celebrating the full moon include setting intentions, meditating, practicing gratitude, and connecting with nature. You can also participate in a full moon ritual or celebration with friends and loved ones.

What are some benefits of celebrating the Full Moon?

Celebrating the full moon can have many benefits, including increased spiritual connection, personal growth, and a sense of renewal and rejuvenation. It can also be a great way to connect with others and create a sense of community.


The Full Moon Calendar April 2024 is something that many people are eagerly anticipating. It’s a time of celebration, growth, and spiritual connection. Whether you choose to participate in a festival or celebrate on your own, the full moon is a time to reflect, set intentions, and connect with the world around you.
