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May 2024 Calendar With Holidays India Telugu

May 2024 Calendar With Holidays India Telugu

telugu calendar 2020 year
telugu calendar 2020 year from


As we approach May 2024, it’s important to start planning for holidays and events. For those living in India and following the Telugu calendar, there are several holidays and festivals to look forward to. In this article, we’ll go over some of the important dates and events to mark on your May 2024 calendar with holidays India Telugu.

Events and Festivals

May 2024 is a month filled with celebrations and festivals in India. Here are some of the important dates to remember:

  • May 1: Labour Day
  • May 10: Buddha Purnima
  • May 14: Akshaya Tritiya
  • May 26: Vaikasi Visakam
  • May 30: Jagannath Rathyatra

Celebrations and Festivals

Labour Day, also known as May Day, is a national holiday in India. It commemorates the struggles and achievements of the labour movement. It’s a time to recognize the hard work and contributions of workers across the country.

Buddha Purnima is a significant festival for Buddhists. It celebrates the birth, enlightenment and death of Gautama Buddha. Buddhists across the country gather to offer prayers and offerings at temples and monasteries.

Akshaya Tritiya is an auspicious day for Hindus and Jains. It’s believed to be a day of good luck and prosperity. Many people buy gold and other precious items on this day.

Vaikasi Visakam is a festival celebrated by Hindus in Tamil Nadu. It marks the birth anniversary of Lord Muruga, the son of Lord Shiva. There are processions and rituals held at temples across the state.

Jagannath Rathyatra is a famous festival celebrated in Puri, Odisha. It’s a procession where the idols of Lord Jagannath, Balabhadra and Subhadra are taken on chariots to their aunt’s temple. It’s a time of great excitement and devotion for devotees.

Question and Answer

Q: What is the Telugu calendar?

A: The Telugu calendar is a traditional calendar used in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana. It follows the lunar cycle and is used to determine important dates for festivals and events.

Q: What is Labour Day?

A: Labour Day is a national holiday in India that celebrates the achievements and contributions of the labour movement.

Q: What is Akshaya Tritiya?

A: Akshaya Tritiya is an auspicious day for Hindus and Jains. It’s believed to be a day of good luck and prosperity.


Q: Are all of these holidays and festivals celebrated across India?

A: Yes, most of these holidays and festivals are celebrated across India. However, the way they are celebrated may vary depending on the region and culture.

Q: Is May a good time to visit India?

A: May can be quite hot in India, so it’s important to be prepared for the weather. However, it’s also a time of many festivals and celebrations, which can be a great time to experience the culture and traditions of the country.

Q: Can I celebrate these festivals even if I’m not Hindu?

A: Yes, many of these festivals are open to people of all religions and backgrounds. It’s a time to come together and celebrate the diversity of the country.
